
Friday, September 22, 2006

Republican Election Hopes Revived

Republican Election Hopes Revived

You may not know it by reading the New York Times or watching CNN, but the President has dramatically revived Republican chances for holding on to both houses this November. Bush has remained consistent and strong in his leadership on protecting America and linking the Iraq war with the wider war against Islamo-fascists and Americans are beginning to pay careful attention. This has crystallized through the President's position on how to conduct surveillance, trials and detention of enemies, which is not only right, it is politically astute.

Democrats and some very mis-guided Republicans have predictably attacked the President on these issues, making outlandish claims that he is harming the US's moral position in the world and creating international enemies. Whether it was fighting the Soviets last century or fighting the Islamo-fascists today, the Democrats always make the same dumb mistake. By attacking the moral under-pinning of the US position, they embolden and legitimize obvious enemies to jump into political bed with them which always turns voters off.

Here's one simple recent example: Hollywood elites like Danny Glover denounce the President's foreign policy, claiming it is immoral and it creates enemies for America. These same Hollywood elites hold numerous fund raising events for prominent Democrats like Hilary Clinton, John Kerry, Al Gore, etc. Hugo Chavez comes to America, calls the President the devil and says that he can still smell the sulfur. The next day, Hugo Chavez speaks at a church in the US, with Danny Glover present to expand on his Bush bash. Then in complete shock, Democrats run screaming from their burning political house, distancing themselves from Chavez. But it's too late.

When Democrats ask voters to take control of Congress away from Republicans in order to keep Bush in check, the opposite will happen. Voters will choose the party that stands with the morality of President Bush, and deny power to the party that stands with the morality of Hugo Chavez.


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